

NEPAL is a nation in transition. It has gone from being the only officially Hindu country to having one of the fastest-growing Christian populations in the world. The challenge is there is no official recognition or rights for the church. Within the last few years, the constitution has been amended to forbid the evangelism of Hindus or Buddhists and provides stiff penalties. Now is the time for the church in Nepal to be strengthened, trained, and mobilized while the door is still open. FHGTTN is discipling young people to continue to carry the torch of revival and is providing support to other ministries who are bringing the Word of God to the most unreached corners of the Himalayas and throughout Asia.

LEADERSHIP & MINISTRY TRAINING CENTER - NEPAL (LMTC) LMTC was started in 2017 and is a two-year program (1.5 years classroom, half-year practical) training pioneering ministers. During their studies, students are required to develop an in-depth Master Plan (similar to what you are reading right now) and implement it over 12 months. After that year, their projects are evaluated and they can apply for licensing and ordination.

WeACTS29 WeACTS29 is a weekly gathering of youth and young adults who are carrying the ministry of the Book of Acts into the present day. Together they have been carrying revival to communities throughout Nepal through FIRE Conferences, Evangelistic Meetings, and Community Outreaches. Adam is currently acting as a mentor on their leadership team.

KINGSWAY FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL - NEPAL (KFI) KFI - Nepal is an association of Pentecostal ministers focused on providing fellowship, encouragement, and accountability. Coming from many different denominations and backgrounds, they meet together on a weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis to provide further education and training. In addition, they also provide licensing and ordination for those ministers who have not had access to it previously.

NEPAL RADIANT CHURCH (NRC) NRC was pioneered in 2015 by Pastor Dilip Magar with the goal of raising up a “Radiant” bride for Christ that is pure and spotless without blemish. In 2017, Adam was appointed Teaching Pastor and is currently overseeing nightly home fellowships and weekly further education classes for local pastors.
Myanmar is a nation transitioning from a dictatorship to democracy. Starting in 2008, FHGTTN has been doing ministry training through HARVEST BIBLE COLLEGE. Through ELIM CHILDREN’S HOME, they are caring for and discipling children who have been orphaned, abandoned, and/or left destitute.
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